c1bf6049bf Dosya Ad: dt0d.img.rar. Dosya Boyutu: 9.8 MB (10294642 bytes). Ykleme Tarihi: 2014-11-13 23:35:32. Been:.. 21 Aug 2012 . If you have PES2012, copy the PES2012's dt0d.img to X:Program FilesKONAMIPro Evolution Soccer 2013 DEMO. If not, download dt0d.img.. Baixei um patch para pes 13 demo, s que ele tambem pede esse dt0d.img, onde eu baixo? E como esse patch o pes 13 fica fechando szinho, j tenho o.. Ajoute 17 quipes entirement mis jour PES 2013 Demo (Arsenal, Chelsea, . Copy dt0d.img from PES 2012 img folder to PES 2013 Demo img folder.. 26 Mar 2014 - 5 min - Uploaded by Utama Abdun A'badiBuat yang Bosen Sama RAMBUT Si Pemain di BAL/ML Di Pes 2013, Nihh Ane kasih .. Aqui a demo do PES2013 a pela net muitos patchs para desbloquear e por . Copiar a dt0d.img da pasta "img" do PES2012 para a pasta "img" do PES2013;. 8 Mar 2013 . Friday, March 8, 2013. PES 2013 Files List (IMG Files) . Ball 34: Adidas Finale Wembley 2011 Ball 35: Ball Cursor 36: Ball Preview dt0d.img.. pes 2013 dt0d.img PES 2013 Sorunlarnz ve zmleri.. Encuentra todas las descargas disponibles de Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 PC Parches. . 1 - Copia dt0d.img de PES 2012 "img" en PES 2013 DEMO "img". PES 2013 1st Demo: PesPatchID Demo Patch 2013 2.0 by Rizki2f . Copy dt0d.img from PES 2012 img folder to PES 2013 Demo img folder.. Como usar: Copia dt0d.img de PES 2012 carpeta img a la carpeta de PES 2013 img demo.. 12 May 2009 . herdProtect antiviru scan for the file dt0d img pes 2013.exe (SHA-1 3b172d7e2e2a817afd9b8b1484c6c3d62058c5f7).. 1 lis 2012 . dt0d.img - PES 2012 - Poetnika pitanja. . Default dt0d.img. kao sto pise u naslovu treba mi dt0d.img za pes 2012.. Copy dt0d.img from PES 2012 img folder to PES 2013 Demo img folder (alternatively, download dt0d.img (link above)) Copy the content of the.. 6 Ags 2012 . Posts about patch PES 2013 demo written by lamfete. . Copy dt0d.img from PES 2012 img folder to PES 2013 Demo img folder (alternatively,.. 22 Nov 2014 . Pos tentang PES 2013 yang ditulis oleh rivarandis. . PES 2013. Copy ke c:programfileKONAMIPESkitserverpeseditimgdt0d.img. Preview :.. 22 Jul 2012 . -Copy dt0d.img from PES 2012 img folder to PES 2013 Demo img folder (alternatively, download dt0d.img (link above)) -Copy the content of the.. pes2013 demo + . PES 2013. Demo. INFO. Game Size : 1 Gb . dt0d.img .. 23 Feb 2014 . me baje un pack de peinados para el pes2013 y debo instalarlo en la carpeta dt0d del pesedit . creala y ponele de nombre dt0d.img y listo.. Pes 2011 ift dvd aldm 2. dvd de dt0d.img dosyas hasarl(bozuk) oldugu icin oyunu yukleyemedim, upload etemek iin link veya bi zm.
Dt0d Img Pes 2013
Updated: Mar 23, 2020